Salim's Relationship Recovery : The Good Matching between Coach and Disabled Athlete 살림의 관계회복: 지도자와 장애선수의 참 만남
56(6) 1-10, 2017
Salim's Relationship Recovery : The Good Matching between Coach and Disabled Athlete 살림의 관계회복: 지도자와 장애선수의 참 만남
The purpose of this study is to explore the good matching between coach and disabled athlete from the perspective of Buber, Fromm and Heidegger. For this purpose, We analysed to the works of Buber, Fromm, and Heidegger. The results are as follows. The relationship between coach and disabled athlete can establish a horizontal relationship overcoming the vertical relationship. The relationship between coach and disabled athlete depend on what kind of relationship is being made. There is a problem that coach recognizes a disabled athlete as an objects, materials, or tools. This is the beginning of a misguided encounter between coach and disabled athlete. The solution to this problem is that coach must recognize disabled athlete as an objective subject(Buber), an attitude of existing life (Fromm), consideration that can find it in Heidegger philosophy. This relationship makes it possible for coach and disabled athlete to recover their trust and to make the good matching.
Exploring Pain, Life, and Meaning of Physical Activity Among Dementia Caregivers: A Photovoice Study 치매환자 보호자들의 고통, 삶, 그리고 신체활동의 의미 탐색: 포토보이스 연구
56(6) 11-30, 2017
Exploring Pain, Life, and Meaning of Physical Activity Among Dementia Caregivers: A Photovoice Study 치매환자 보호자들의 고통, 삶, 그리고 신체활동의 의미 탐색: 포토보이스 연구
The purpose of this study was to understand life, pain, and meaning of physical activity among dementia caregivers. All participants were recruited from metropolitan centers for dementia, senior centers, elderly home care service centers, and public health centers located in “S”city. At the beginning of this study, 15 participants attempted to participate in this study, almost half of them were dropped out and finally 7 participants were in this study. To achieve the above goals, both Photovoice technique and in-depth interview were employed and all data were analyzed by Photovoice analysis procedure. Participants discussed the following themes relating to their life and pain: anxiety, exhaustion & frustration associated with physical and emotional energy, changes of human network, and dissatisfaction with policy regarding dementia caregivers as well as patients. They discussed the following themes relating to physical activity: longing, lack of opportunity by diverse limits, lack of physical circumstance, and lack of appropriate physical activity programs. This participatory action research is meaningful in terms of understanding undiscovered problems and concerns of underdogs of our society. Based on the emerged themes, this study attempted to suggest some strategies to improve caregivers' quality of life as well as their pattern of physical activity.
Key Words
치매환자 보호자, 삶의 의미, 고통, 신체활동, 포토보이스, 사회생태학적 모델, dementia caregivers, meaning of life, pain, physical activity, photovoice, socioecological model
Changes in Physical Education Perceptions and Attitudes According to Participation Experience in Elementary School Girl-led Sports Club 초등학교 여학생 주도형 스포츠클럽 참여 경험에 따른 체육 인식 및 태도 변화
김정희KimJeonghee , 김재운KimChaewoon
56(6) 31-41, 2017
Changes in Physical Education Perceptions and Attitudes According to Participation Experience in Elementary School Girl-led Sports Club 초등학교 여학생 주도형 스포츠클럽 참여 경험에 따른 체육 인식 및 태도 변화
김정희KimJeonghee , 김재운KimChaewoon
The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of 6th grade elementary school students' For this purpose, we conducted a case study of a student - run school sports club. Participants were 5 female students participating in the student - run school sports club among the 6th graders of G elementary school in S city. The research data were collected before and after the participation of the school sports clubs, and then they were collected for observation of images and records of the school records and physical education classes, observation logs of the researchers, and documentary data. The collected data were analyzed through inductive categorization process which is a qualitative research method. The results of this study showed that participation of school sports clubs in student - led girls' school sports clubs was improved by (1) improvement of female students' leadership in physical education classes, (2) interest and confidence in physical education, (3) transfer of interest to other sports, (4) promotion of participation in sports activities using leisure time. Therefore, in order to activate the physical education of female students, the operation of school sports club for student - led school girls should be actively expanded.
Key Words
초등학교, 여학생, 학교스포츠클럽, 사례연구, Elementary school, Female student, School sports club, Case study
Problems of the Doping Management System as Perceived by Elite Athletes 엘리트선수의 인식을 통해 살펴본 도핑관리시스템의 문제
56(6) 43-58, 2017
Problems of the Doping Management System as Perceived by Elite Athletes 엘리트선수의 인식을 통해 살펴본 도핑관리시스템의 문제
This study aimed to examine the status of Korea’s doping management system through the recognition of elite athletes and find out problems and alternative measures, and chose qualitative research as its research method. The research result is as follows. The problem of Korea’s doping management system is 1) representative player-centered doping management program, 2) formal doping management and education, 3) administrative limits of the implementation of the anti-doping policy. As for alternative measures to root out doping, this study suggests 1) offering education for doping prevention primarily to student athletes, 2) writing and providing doping management manuals for different sports by analyzing the cases and types of doping in different sporting organizations, and 3) assigning exclusive workforce for different sports games through the cooperation of the Korean Olympic Committee and Korea Anti-doping Agency, 4) These will be efforts to search for alternative measures by pointing out problems in Korea’s doping management system and basic efforts to establish a more advanced type of good governance or collaborate governance. So following studies are required to discuss the possibility of establishing governance to resolve problems of doping revealed in Korea’s sporting circle.
Key Words
도핑, 도핑관리시스템, 엘리트선수, doping, doping control system, elite athlete
Conflicts and Negotiated Identity of Sports-for-All Basketball Club 생활체육 농구동호회 구성원의 갈등과 협상된 정체성의 형성
김한범HanbeomKim , 구창모ChangmoKoo
56(6) 59-69, 2017
Conflicts and Negotiated Identity of Sports-for-All Basketball Club 생활체육 농구동호회 구성원의 갈등과 협상된 정체성의 형성
김한범HanbeomKim , 구창모ChangmoKoo
Most sports-club participants get a positive effect on leisure activities, but sometimes they have negative experiences due to the conflict of pursuing values. Conflict between pursuing values in sports-club occurs because the participants have different values. The purpose of this study was to examine what pursuing values caused the main conflict in basketball sports-club and how basketball sports-club formed a new identity. For conducting this research, I employed qualitative research method and Choose 7 research participants which participate in “A” basketball club. Data collection was through in-depth interviews. Findings are as follows; First, they experienced conflict between Winning and Participation values. Second, they newly formed negotiated identity of the sports-club for keeping their sports-club in order.
The Exploring Meaning and Training Experiences of Kendo Participants 검도동호인의 수련경험과 의미
박동주ParkDongjoo , 이근모LeeKeunmo , 임새미LimSaemi
56(6) 71-80, 2017
The Exploring Meaning and Training Experiences of Kendo Participants 검도동호인의 수련경험과 의미
박동주ParkDongjoo , 이근모LeeKeunmo , 임새미LimSaemi
The purpose of this study was to explore meaning and training experience of Kendo participants by qualitative research. For this purpose, the results of the study were obtained from 11 male and female subjects practicing in the Kendo area of Busan Metropolitan City. In order to elucidate the results of the study, in - depth interviews and related supporting data were collected and the data collected through text analysis were analyzed.
As a result, the training experience of Kendo participants has formulated in three respective aspects and the result of such study is shown comprehensively as follows. The Kendo participants consider that the Kendo training would be the continuance of one’s own fight and the process to overcome such would be an occasion to enhance the sense of pride for the trainees. Not only in Kendo training but also in ordinary living, this experience displays the foundation to overcome when one encounters the limitations within. Under this process, what is important to the Kendo trainees would be manner. The first thing learned in the Kendo training center is manner and manner is the most important virtue to be equipped for the Kendo trainers. Furthermore, Kendo has the strength to advance righteous personal traits through the physical activities. Lastly, those participants that are equipped with the qualification as the master through long period of training have profound training of Kendo in order to be equipped with the competency as the master and this experience has prepared the turning point to be advanced as true and genuine Kendo men.
Key Words
검도, 참여의미, 생활체육, Kendo, training experiences, sports for all
The Structural Relation Between Task Value and Identity on Swimmers‘ Achievement Behavior 수영선수의 정체성과 과제가치 및 성취행동간의 구조적 관계
56(6) 81-94, 2017
The Structural Relation Between Task Value and Identity on Swimmers‘ Achievement Behavior 수영선수의 정체성과 과제가치 및 성취행동간의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural relationship between task value and athletic identity on swimmers‘ achievement behavior. The swimmers(N=320) were selected as usable data by convenience sampling. The data was collected by questionnaire survey an that was analyzed by the Frequency Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Correlations Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) analysis with SPSS WIN 20.0 program and Amos 23.0 version. The results were as follows; First, it was showed that athletic identity is influences on the task values of swimmers. Second, it was showed that task value is influences on the achievement behaviors of swimmers. Finally, it was showed that task values is directly-indirectly influences on the achievement behaviors of swimmers. The findings suggest the importance for enhancing positive identities, task values as a significant predictor of swimmer' achievement behavior.
Grounded Theoric Approach about Formation Process of Social Networks among Student Athletes who Dropped Out in University 중도탈락 대학 학생선수의 사회연결망 형성과정에 관한 근거 이론적 접근
박상현ParkSanghyun , 신선윤ShinSunyun
56(6) 95-115, 2017
Grounded Theoric Approach about Formation Process of Social Networks among Student Athletes who Dropped Out in University 중도탈락 대학 학생선수의 사회연결망 형성과정에 관한 근거 이론적 접근
박상현ParkSanghyun , 신선윤ShinSunyun
The purpose of this study was to analyze and interpret the formation process of student athletes who dropped out in university through grounded theoric approach. After 15 participants were selected by snowball sampling method, raw data were collected by in-depth interview. Transferred raw data went through the process of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding by analytical way of grounded theory. The result of this study was as follow. Student athlete in university decided to drop out because of fear of the future and worry as a student athlete and this caused disconnection of social network in family, university, and athlete club. Disconnected social network recovered by support of family, support of university members, and support of colleagues who dropped out earlier. Also, student athletes who dropped out maintained and enlarged recovered social network by active challenge and specialized sports ability. Finally, there were two types of student athletes who dropped out: join new social network and re-join previous social network. Through this research process, ‘recover and reformation of social network’ was deducted as core category.
Key Words
중도탈락, 학생선수, 사회연결망, 근거이론, drop-out, student athletes, social network, grounded theory
A Study on the Deviant Overconformity Phenomenon of Secondary School Student Athlete 중등학교 학생선수의 일탈적 과잉동조 현상에 관한 연구
56(6) 117-129, 2017
A Study on the Deviant Overconformity Phenomenon of Secondary School Student Athlete 중등학교 학생선수의 일탈적 과잉동조 현상에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study is to analyze the deviant overconformity phenomenon of secondary school student athletes and to understand their improvement. For this purpose, seven students from D high school and C high school in D city were selected as research participants. The data were collected by 'in - depth interview' and the collected data were analyzed by subject analysis method. As a result, it was analyzed that there were four kinds of deviant overconformity phenomenon of the secondary school student athlete, the first of which was 'socioeconomic compensation that can be obtained through achievement'. In addition to the achievements that can be built through the victory and the social status and economic rewards that are granted based on the accomplishments, severe training was also endangered. The second was 'Infinite Challenge', which was called 'Distorted Sports Spirit'. Overcoming his limitations and overcoming his limitations, the false belief of a sports mind was working for student athletes. The third was 'uncritical acceptance of commercial sports produced through media'. The media produced an athlete who endured suffering and danger as a hero for commercial gain, and student athletes were accepting it critically. The last four was the 'injection of the leader'. The structural problems of the athletes, which are inevitable to accommodate the demands of the leaders, and the actions of the leaders who practice them, and the actors who accept critically, have been working together.
Key Words
중등학교 학생선수, 일탈적 과잉동조, secondary school student athlete, deviant overconformity
Effect of KBO Players' about Awareness of Instant Replay to Psychological State and Performance 한국프로야구(KBO) 선수의 비디오판독에 대한 인식이 심리상태와 경기력에 미치는 영향
강성훈KangSung-hoon , 정우석ChungWoo-suk
56(6) 131-142, 2017
Effect of KBO Players' about Awareness of Instant Replay to Psychological State and Performance 한국프로야구(KBO) 선수의 비디오판독에 대한 인식이 심리상태와 경기력에 미치는 영향
강성훈KangSung-hoon , 정우석ChungWoo-suk
The purpose of this study is to examine the players' Awareness of Instant Replay and the players' psychological State and change of the performance cause of the Instant Replay in the KBO games. So the 183 of KBO players were filled in questionnaires by using mobile questionnaires. the following conclusion by using the SPSS 21 and AMOS21 statistical programs. First, It was found to make differences according as the career and the frequency of video readings among the KBO players' personal characteristic, video reading recognition, psychological status, and the difference of performance. Second, the operation rationality of the Awareness of Instant Replay in the relationship between the Awareness of Instant Replay and the operation rationality doesn't have influenced players' psychological state but operation method influenced players' psychological state. Third, the players' psychological state influenced the performance in the relationship between players' psychological state and the performance. Fourth, both the operation rationality and the operation method of the Awareness of Instant Replay influenced the performance in the relationship between the Awareness of Instant Replay and the performance. Through this study, we found out the fact that the Instant Replay from KBO influences the psychological state of the players and eventually it changes the performance. Therefore, it is necessary to make more many-sided efforts to be made fairer and more proper judgment of Instant Replay.
The Effect of Causal Dimension on The Psychological Consequence of Middle and High School Taekwondo Players: Based on Weiner’s Final Attribution Model 중/고 태권도 선수의 인과차원이 심리적 결과에 미치는 영향: Weiner의 최종귀인모형을 중심으로
신명진ShinMyoungjin , 송주란SongJooran , 박승하ParkSeungha
56(6) 143-153, 2017
The Effect of Causal Dimension on The Psychological Consequence of Middle and High School Taekwondo Players: Based on Weiner’s Final Attribution Model 중/고 태권도 선수의 인과차원이 심리적 결과에 미치는 영향: Weiner의 최종귀인모형을 중심으로
신명진ShinMyoungjin , 송주란SongJooran , 박승하ParkSeungha
The purpose of this research is to examine that the causal dimensions effect on the psychological consequences based on Weiner’s final attribution model(2010). In order to investigate the purpose of this study, 399 middle and high school Taekwondo players were surveyed based on the sequential process of the final attribution model such as outcome → outcome dependent affect → causal antecedents → causal ascriptions → causal dimensions → psychological consequences. We had used CDS-T to measure causal ascription and self-reporting items that were conducted from the expert meeting to estimate psychological affect including pride, expectation and shame. The construct validity of the measurement was satisfied. When we examine the effect of causal dimensions on psychological consequences through multiple regression analysis, they attributed to external, stability and external control ascriptions having won the game. After defeating the competition, they attributed to internal, unstability and external uncontrol ascriptions. When they attributed to internal ascriptions after loosing game, it has been a negative influence on pride. However, in the case of victory, it was shown that stability had a positive effect on the expectation. Since it was verified that the causal dimensions effect on psychological outcomes, the validity of Final Attribution Model in sport field was ensured.
Key Words
최종귀인이론, 인과차원, 심리적 결과, final attribution model, causal dimensions, psychological consequences
Grounded Theory Approach toward Experience in Exercise with Companion Dog 반려견 동반 운동 체험에 관한 근거이론적 접근
56(6) 155-173, 2017
Grounded Theory Approach toward Experience in Exercise with Companion Dog 반려견 동반 운동 체험에 관한 근거이론적 접근
This study aimed to investigate the experience of participating in exercise with companion dogs by using grounded theory methodology. 10 males and females who have participated in exercise with their companion dogs more than three times per week for over a year were selected by using purposive sampling, and data collected through in-depth interview with them. Concepts were extracted and a paradigm model was built by grounded theory methodology. As a result, ‘doing an exercise together’ was mainly observed in this study, and causal conditions were ‘thought of companion dogs’ and ‘a lack of exercise.’ Contextual conditions were ‘situation that exercise required’ and ‘the need for health care of companion dogs’ and intervening conditions that affect the main phenomenon were ‘facilitative factors on exercise with companion dogs’ and ‘obstructive factors on exercise with companion dogs.’ Interactive strategy was ‘enhancement of expertise in exercise of companion dogs’ and a system for exercise with companion dogs was formed according to the interactive strategy.
Key Words
반려견, 운동, 근거이론, Companion Dog, Exercise, Grounded Theory
Validation of Tripartite Efficacy Scale in Physical Education 체육수업에서의 삼분법적 자기효능감 척도 타당화
천승현CheonSungHyeon , 송용관SongYong-gwan
56(6) 175-190, 2017
Validation of Tripartite Efficacy Scale in Physical Education 체육수업에서의 삼분법적 자기효능감 척도 타당화
천승현CheonSungHyeon , 송용관SongYong-gwan
Grounded in Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), the purpose of this study was to validate Korean version of Tripartite Efficacy Scale (K-TES) that measures students’confidence in their own capabilities (i.e., self-efficacy), their confidence in their teacher’s ability (i.e., other-efficacy) and their estimation of their teacher’s confidence in their ability as a student (i.e., relation-inferred self-efficacy) in physical education (PE) setting. TES consists of three factors with 27 items― namely, self-efficacy (9-item), other-efficacy (9-item) and relation-inferred self-efficacy (9-item). 491 secondary physical eduction students were asked to complete the questionnaire in assess the Korean version of Tripartite Efficacy Scale, which was internally validated via the process of scale validation. Based on results of explanatory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, the Korean version of TES demonstrated a good model fit of measurement as well as good factorial and predictive validity. Overall, the initial validation and development of TES in Korean secondary PE setting will be a good opportunity precisely to assess students’ efficacy in the nature of interpersonal interactions―that is, student-student interaction and student-teacher interaction―occurred in PE learning activities.
Exploring the Principle of K-12 Science-based Health-Related Fitness Knowledge Physical Education Curriculum Development and Its Implementation 과학기반 건강지식 통합 체육교육과정 설계원리 및 실행 프로그램(SPEM, SHL) 탐색
홍덕기HongDeockki , 이규일LeeGyuil
56(6) 191-211, 2017
Exploring the Principle of K-12 Science-based Health-Related Fitness Knowledge Physical Education Curriculum Development and Its Implementation 과학기반 건강지식 통합 체육교육과정 설계원리 및 실행 프로그램(SPEM, SHL) 탐색
홍덕기HongDeockki , 이규일LeeGyuil
Physical education pedagogy researchers have recently argued that K-12 physical education needs to teach health-related fitness knowledge as well as fitness activity to serve students to be physically active for their lifetime. However, teaching health education in K-12 physical education has been marginalized. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the principle of K-12 science-based health-related fitness knowledge physical education curriculum development and its implementation. First, social cognitive theory, constructivist theory, and conceptual change theory were examined as theoretical assumptions for youth health education. Second, founding principle of science-based health-related fitness knowledge physical education curriculum was examined based on its’ purpose, content, instructional method, and assessment. Third, SPEM(Science, PE, and Me) and SHL(Science of Healthful Living) physical education curricula were introduced as a role model of science-based health-related fitness knowledge physical education curriculum. Lastly, implication for SPEM and SHL were discussed.
Key Words
science-based physical education curriculum, health-related fitness knowledge, SPEM, Science, PE, and Me, SHL, Science of Healthful Living
A Study on Relations between Teacher-Student Interactions, Self-Monitoring, Asking Help and Self-Handicapping in Physical Education Class 체육수업에서 교사-학생의 상호작용과 자기모니터링, 도움요청 및 자기핸디캡의 관계
김승용KimSeung-yong , 송기현SongKi-hyun
56(6) 213-225, 2017
A Study on Relations between Teacher-Student Interactions, Self-Monitoring, Asking Help and Self-Handicapping in Physical Education Class 체육수업에서 교사-학생의 상호작용과 자기모니터링, 도움요청 및 자기핸디캡의 관계
김승용KimSeung-yong , 송기현SongKi-hyun
The purpose of this study was to inquire into the structural relations between teacher-student interactions, self-monitoring, asking help, and self-handicapping which are perceived in a physical education class. To this end, this study selected a total of 446 copies of questionnaires as final valid samples using the convenience sampling method targeting middle school students at 5 schools located at a metropolitan area. For data processing, this study confirmed the goodness of fit test of the whole model using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0, and then did hypothesis testing; the study results were as follows: First, the proximity of teacher-student interactions was found to positively predict self-monitoring and asking help while influence perception was found to have a positive influence on self-handicapping. In addition, it was confirmed that self-monitoring had a positive influence on asking help while having a negative influence on self-handicapping. Lastly, in relations between teacher-student interactions, asking help and self-handicapping, self-monitoring was confirmed to do a mediating role. Conclusively, the study results imply that positive interactions between a teacher and a student should be preceded to induce students’ aggressive class participation behavior and that more aggressive class participation behavior could occur when students check up on the goal set up by themselves.
The Life of a School Sports Coach Viewed from Spinoza's Ideas 스피노자의 사상으로 본 어느 코치의 삶
김승재KimSeungjae , 박인서ParkIn-seo
56(6) 227-239, 2017
The Life of a School Sports Coach Viewed from Spinoza's Ideas 스피노자의 사상으로 본 어느 코치의 삶
김승재KimSeungjae , 박인서ParkIn-seo
The current study is a narrative study that aims to understand in depth the lives of school sports coaches and offer basic information about them by taking a look at a sports coach’s life from the perspective of desires, emotion, and reason, which Spinoza claims as the essence of a human’s soul. The field text of this study includes the list, files and the recordings of interviews and the researcher’s recordings of observation and journals of training observation. The life of the sports coach is composed of narratives about his desires, emotion and reason. In the narrative of desire, three different kinds of desires are discussed; a desire for belonging, recognition, and self-realization. The narrative of emotion describes what the sports coach feels and how well his desires are fulfilled through the narrative of his desires. Specifically, the desire for belonging arouses the feeling of hope, which is a uncertain joy, the desire for recognition brings sadness, which makes him gradually feel weaker, and the desire for self-realization brings self-respect, caused by the recognition of his ability. In the narrative of reason depicts the sports coach’s rational aspects where he actively leads his life in spite of joy and sadness caused by others.
Key Words
스피노자의 사상, 코치의 삶, 내러티브 탐구, Spinoza`s idea, the life of school sports coaches, narrative inquiry ideas
The Moderating Effect of Consumption Propensities in the Relation Among Service Value, Purchase Satisfaction and Future Consumption Behaviors of Sporting Goods Consumer 스포츠용품 서비스가치가 구매만족 및 미래 소비행동에 미치는 영향 및 개인 소비성향의 조절효과 검증
56(6) 241-260, 2017
The Moderating Effect of Consumption Propensities in the Relation Among Service Value, Purchase Satisfaction and Future Consumption Behaviors of Sporting Goods Consumer 스포츠용품 서비스가치가 구매만족 및 미래 소비행동에 미치는 영향 및 개인 소비성향의 조절효과 검증
The purpose of this study was to determine a moderating effect of consumption propensities(conspicuous and impulsive) in the relation among service value, purchase satisfaction and future consumption behaviors for sporting goods consumer. For data analysis was made by SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0, performing frequency analysis, descriptive statistic analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, structural equating model, measurement invariance test and multiple group analysis for the hypothesis test. As results of the analysis: First, service value had significantly influence on purchase satisfaction and future consumption behaviors. Second, purchase satisfaction had significantly influence on future consumption behavior. Third, the effect of service value, purchase satisfaction and future consumption behaviors for low conspicuous consumption propensities group was relatively higher than high conspicuous consumption propensities group. Fourth, the effect of service value and future consumption behaviors for low impulsive consumption propensities group was relatively higher than high impulsive consumption propensities group.
Key Words
스포츠용품, 서비스가치, 구매만족, 미래 소비행동, 소비성향, 조절효과, sporting goods, service value, purchase satisfaction, future consumption, consumption propensities, moderating effect
A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Single Golf Resort and Integrated Golf Resort 단일골프리조트와 복합골프리조트의 경제적 파급효과 비교분석
박주호ParkJu-ho , 김상훈KimSangHoon , 홍세희HongSeHee
56(6) 261-273, 2017
A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Single Golf Resort and Integrated Golf Resort 단일골프리조트와 복합골프리조트의 경제적 파급효과 비교분석
박주호ParkJu-ho , 김상훈KimSangHoon , 홍세희HongSeHee
The purpose of this study was to compare and analyze the economic induced impacts of single golf resorts and integrated resort industry in Korea using an input-output analysis model. For the research, 45 golf resort’s audit reports, 6 integrated resort’s audit reports, 450 golf questionnaires and 432 integrated questionnaires were used for actual analysis. And then, average expenditure, total expenditure and coefficient were calculated. The result of this study were as follows. As a result of comparing the standardized induced economic impacts based on induced impacts per 1 holes, for the single golf resorts, the induced production was ₩48.4 billion, the induced added value was ₩19.3 billion and the induced employment was 2,683 persons. For the integrated golf resorts, the induced production was ₩206.1 billion, the induced added value ₩80.4 billion and the induced employment was 11,058 persons. In conclusion, the support of various sectors including central and local government as well as private sector were essential to transform integrated golf resort from single golf resort.
Key Words
단일골프리조트, 복합골프리조트, 경제적 파급효과, 산업연관분석, Single Golf Resort, Integrated Golf Resort, Economic Impacts, Input-output Analysis
An Analysis on the Spectators Benefits for ICT Convergence Technology Services of Professional Sports Team: Using Contingent Valuation Method 프로스포츠 구단의 ICT 융합 기술 서비스에 대한 소비자 편익 분석: 조건부가치평가법의 적용
An Analysis on the Spectators Benefits for ICT Convergence Technology Services of Professional Sports Team: Using Contingent Valuation Method 프로스포츠 구단의 ICT 융합 기술 서비스에 대한 소비자 편익 분석: 조건부가치평가법의 적용
The purpose of this study was to provide an empirical basis for the provision of sports ICT convergence technologies services by estimating the benefits of spectators for ICT convergence service of professional sports clubs. The Willingness To Pay(WTP) of the K-League spectators was estimated by Using Contingent Valuation Method(CVM), which is a method for measuring the value of the non-market good. In this study, a survey was conducted on 525 football fans over the 20s and 446 were returned usable data for practical analysis. As a result, the benefits for sports ICT convergence technology services were estimated to be 2,991.6 won per person. When the annual value is converted, it is about 5.85 billion won, and the total value is about 29.26 billion won, which corresponds to about 19% of the market size of K-League. The results of this study show that it is very important for sports teams to provide differentiated services such as ICT convergence technology services in addition to providing high-quality matches and products to spectators who have visited the stadium.
Key Words
스포츠 ICT 융합 기술 서비스, 조건부가치평가법, 지불의사, 소비자 편익, Sports ICT Convergence, Contingent Valuation Method, Willingness To Pay, Consumer Benefit
A Study on the Improving Performance of Korea National Alpine Ski Athletes with Disabilities 국가대표 장애인 알파인스키 선수의 경기력 향상 방안 연구
양성철YangSung-chul , 김진국KimJin-kook
56(6) 293-307, 2017
A Study on the Improving Performance of Korea National Alpine Ski Athletes with Disabilities 국가대표 장애인 알파인스키 선수의 경기력 향상 방안 연구
양성철YangSung-chul , 김진국KimJin-kook
The purpose of this study is to investigate the necessary items to improve the performance of national athletes with disabilities and to help the national team to improve the performance plan and the international competition. For this purpose, it was conducted in-depth interviews with the national team athletes and leaders and concluded the following results. First, physical strength factors are basic strength, muscle endurance, agility and power. Second, the training environment factors are important for the snow training period, and the economic support system that supports it is also emphasized. Third, in the technical factors, the players regarded the center position and the leaders the sliding and carving as the most important. Fourth, in the strategic factors, it was pointed out that the analysis of the preliminary environment(inspection) of the venue is the most important. Fifth, the leader factors are basically the coaching ability to transfer skills, and the confidence building and communication ability with the athletes. Sixth, in psychological factors, self -confidence and concentration were important items with a common opinion. Based on these results, it will be necessary to make mid and long term plans for each item to improve the performance of disabled athletes.
Key Words
장애인 국가대표 알파인 스키, 경기력 향상, 심층면담, national alpine ski with disabilities, improving performance, in-depth interview
An Analysis of the Operational Efficiency of Major League Baseball in Korea : Based on the Analyst Model Analysis DEA 모형을 활용한 국내 프로야구 구단의 운영 효율성 분석
임남균LimNam-kyun , 조미혜ChoMi-hye , 정태욱ChungTae-wook
56(6) 309-320, 2017
An Analysis of the Operational Efficiency of Major League Baseball in Korea : Based on the Analyst Model Analysis DEA 모형을 활용한 국내 프로야구 구단의 운영 효율성 분석
임남균LimNam-kyun , 조미혜ChoMi-hye , 정태욱ChungTae-wook
The purpose of this study is to find out the difference between clubs by analyzing the efficiency of Korean professional baseball clubs and to set benchmarking clubs and set goals for inefficient clubs. Interviews were conducted with each team member for research analysis and public data were collected. We used DEAP (Data Envelopment Analysis Program), which is mainly used for efficiency analysis. Also, Tobit regression analysis was conducted to analyze the difference between the efficiency analysis results and the clubs. As a result, first, data analysis of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) model of Korean professional baseball team showed that more teams are operating more effectively in VRS (variable returns to scale) model than CES (Constant Return to Scale) model. Second, as a result of analysis between input factors and output factors, it was found that the regular season winning rate have an affect on the amount of total annual salary and also the population of home city is influence at the annual number of spectators. Finally, an analysis of the efficiency index and factors showed that there is an effect on the salary and regular season winning rate. The results of this study are as follows. First, we analyze the effectiveness and influence of the Korean professional baseball clubs, and provide them with basic information to help them, which continues to run in deficit. Futhermore a stable professional baseball culture will be settled, which will help improve the performance of players and clubs.
Key Words
프로야구, 효율성 분석, DEA 모형분석, 투입요인, 산출요인, DEA, Efficiency Analysis, Major League Baseball, CRS, VRS
The Structural Relationship between Innovation Characteristics and Innovation Resistance, Acceptance Intention, and Usage Intention to Sports VR Contents : Comparison of Models According to Innovation Product Recognition Level .스포츠 VR콘텐츠의 혁신특성과 혁신저항, 수용의도 및 사용의도의 구조적 관계: 혁신제품 인지수준에 따른 모형비교
이제욱LeeJeaWoog , 박성제ParkSungJe
56(6) 321-337, 2017
The Structural Relationship between Innovation Characteristics and Innovation Resistance, Acceptance Intention, and Usage Intention to Sports VR Contents : Comparison of Models According to Innovation Product Recognition Level .스포츠 VR콘텐츠의 혁신특성과 혁신저항, 수용의도 및 사용의도의 구조적 관계: 혁신제품 인지수준에 따른 모형비교
이제욱LeeJeaWoog , 박성제ParkSungJe
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between innovation resistance, acceptance, and use intention of users who are represented as potential consumers of sports VR contents and to investigate the difference of relationship according to cognitive level. AMOS 23.0 was used for statistical analysis and path analysis and 'cognitive level' were used as control variables. The results of the study are as follows. First, the perception of risk and complexity except the relative merits of innovation characteristics of sports VR contents did not affect the cause of innovation resistance. In other words, it can be said that the emotions such as limitation risk, inconvenience do not recognize to the level that acts as a mechanism to feel rejection in the product itself. Second, the relative advantage is the result of this study as a factor that minimizes innovation resistance and maximizes acceptance intention. In addition to product development, modification, and supplementation, it is also necessary to have a way to highlight the advantages of sports VR content in the marketing process. Third, it is necessary to converge the relationship between acceptance and innovation characteristics that can lead to actual use and purchase behavior rather than to resistance. In particular, these results are evident in the 'low cognitive' level group. The results of this study can be expected that the growth potential of the market can be expected when the information and knowledge are transmitted to the non-users of sports VR contents and the initial users.
Examination of Participation Intention of Local Residences for 2018 Phyungchang Winter Olympic Based on Extended Theory of Planned Behavior 확장된 계획행동 모형을 적용한 2018 평창동계올림픽에 대한 지역주민의 참여의도 검증
56(6) 339-349, 2017
Examination of Participation Intention of Local Residences for 2018 Phyungchang Winter Olympic Based on Extended Theory of Planned Behavior 확장된 계획행동 모형을 적용한 2018 평창동계올림픽에 대한 지역주민의 참여의도 검증
The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence the participation intention on 2018 PyeongChang winter olympic based on extended theory of planned behavior. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, 252 residents of hosting region and 225 residents of non-hosting region who visited test events in PyeongChang were sampled. Frequency analysis, reliability test, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used for data analysis. Results of this study are as follows. First, only perceived control significantly influenced on participation intention on PyeongChang winter olympic games for residents of hosting region. attitude and subjective norms were significant factors on participation intention for residents of non-hosting region. In turn, participation intention of residents of hosting and non-hosting region on PyeongChang winter olympic games significantly influenced on support intention of future sporting event.
Key Words
계획행동이론, 태도, 참여의도, 개최지지, 2018 PyeongChang winter olympic, Theory of planned behavior, Perceived control, Subjective norms, Attitude, Participation Intention
Development and Validation of the Retirement Anxiety Questionnaire for College Athletes 대학운동선수의 은퇴불안 척도개발 및 타당화 검증
원영인WonYoungin , 김지태KimJi-tae
56(6) 351-362, 2017
Development and Validation of the Retirement Anxiety Questionnaire for College Athletes 대학운동선수의 은퇴불안 척도개발 및 타당화 검증
원영인WonYoungin , 김지태KimJi-tae
The purposes of this study were to develop the retirement anxiety questionnaire and to examine the validity of the questionnaire. Throughout convenience sampling, the participants were 530 college athletes. The procedures of this study was divided into 4 stages. First of all, the initial 63 questions of retirement anxiety were made by the literature review and semi-structured open questionnaires from 30 college athletes. Secondly, based on the 63 questions, 100 college athletes were participated in the pretest study and finally the questionnaire was reduced to 49 items. Then, for exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and verification analysis were used from 200 college athletes and twenty questions were derived, for 3-4 stage of this study. As a result of verifying the identity between groups according to gender and exercise type, there was no difference in each group, which confirmed that the developed questionnaire passed identity verification for any group. This study would serve as a momentum for in-depth research on the retirement anxiety for college athletes.
Key Words
대학운동선수, 운동선수은퇴, 은퇴불안, 설문지 개발, College athletes, athletes retirement, retirement anxiety, questionnaire development
Mediating Effect Analysis of Customer Delight between the Quality of Service and Customer Loyalty in Private Fitness Centers 상업 피트니스센터의 서비스 품질 수준과 고객충성도 형성 간 고객감동의 매개효과 분석
석부길SeokBoogil , 조정환ChoJunghwan , 고경진KoKyongjin
56(6) 363-373, 2017
Mediating Effect Analysis of Customer Delight between the Quality of Service and Customer Loyalty in Private Fitness Centers 상업 피트니스센터의 서비스 품질 수준과 고객충성도 형성 간 고객감동의 매개효과 분석
석부길SeokBoogil , 조정환ChoJunghwan , 고경진KoKyongjin
The purpose of this research is to validate the importance of customer delight by whether customer delight of private fitness centers might affect the quality of service and customer loyalty. The quality of service is essential factor for private fitness center management and is considered basis for customer delight and customer loyalty. Subjects of the research are 208 members of private fitness center in Korea. Research instrument was based on self-administration method by questionnaire and research method consisted of frequency analysis, reliability test, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, model fit, path analysis and mediating effect analysis. The results of research are as follows. First, the quality of service in private fitness center had statistically significant effect on customer delight. Therefore, private fitness centers need to strengthen its service capabilities for customer delight. Second, customer delight to private fitness centers had statistically significant effect on customer loyalty. Therefore, if customer delight is implemented, long-term customer retention and loyalty can be achieved. Third, customer delight had full mediation between the quality of service and customer loyalty. As a result, to enhance customer loyalty, the quality of service improvement is needed to ensure continued customer delight.
Key Words
상업 피트니스센터, 서비스 품질, 고객감동, 고객충성도, 매개효과, Private fitness center, Quality of service, Customer delight, Customer loyalty, Mediating effect
An Analysis of Priority Assessment on Policy Factor for National Social Structural Multidimensional Intervention Strategies for Problem Solving of Sports Gambling Addiction 스포츠도박 중독 문제해결을 위한 국가사회적 다차원 개입전략 정책요인의 우선순위 산정
김민규KimMin-kyu , 박수정ParkSoo-jung
56(6) 375-387, 2017
An Analysis of Priority Assessment on Policy Factor for National Social Structural Multidimensional Intervention Strategies for Problem Solving of Sports Gambling Addiction 스포츠도박 중독 문제해결을 위한 국가사회적 다차원 개입전략 정책요인의 우선순위 산정
김민규KimMin-kyu , 박수정ParkSoo-jung
The purpose of this study is to draw weight of multidimensional intervention strategy policy factors priorities to solve sports gambling addiction problem through AHP and to make a suggestion which policy has to be implemented with priority in the future. To this end, estimation of priorities was conducted using national social multidimensional intervention strategy policy factors to solve sports gambling addiction problem studied by Kim, Min-kyu and Park, Soo-Jung(2017). The analysis results are as follows. The first priority of consideration is shown below as per the class. First, service delivery system-related factor is for class 1. Second, awareness improvement-related factor is for sub-class of the class 2. Third, intervention-related factor of treatment program education is for group-wise intervention strategy of the class 2. Fourth, research development-related factor is for service delivery system of the class 2. Fifth, operation of treatment and rehabilitation program is for sub-class of group-wise intervention strategy of the class 3. Sixth, basic data investigation-related factor is for sub-class of research & development-related factor of the class 3. Seventh, intervention-related factor of central government is for sub-class of policy development and operation factor of the class 3. Eighth, sub-class of international exchange is for sub-class of awareness improvement factor of the class 3. Results of this study will give a help to development of policy keynote and policies, development of policy projects, academic organic combination and field expansion.
Key Words
스포츠도박, 문제해결, 국가사회적 접근, 다차원 개입전략, 정책요인, sports gambling, problem solving, national social approach, multidimensional intervention strategies, policy factor, AHP
Reciprocal Relations Between Student Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Self-Determined Motivation 여가시간 신체활동과 체육수업 내 자기결정동기 간의 상호관계
천승현CheonSungHyeon , 김보람KimBo-ram
56(6) 389-402, 2017
Reciprocal Relations Between Student Leisure-Time Physical Activity and Self-Determined Motivation 여가시간 신체활동과 체육수업 내 자기결정동기 간의 상호관계
천승현CheonSungHyeon , 김보람KimBo-ram
Grounded on Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 2000), the purpose of this study was to examine the reciprocal relations between student leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) and self-determined motivation in physical education (PE) setting. Thus, this study tested whether students’ self-determined motivation at the early semester leads to changes of LTPA at the end of semester or LTPA at the beginning of semester leads the change of student’self-determined motivation at the end of semester. A two-wave longitudinal research design over the course of semester was employed. Study hypotheses were analyzed using the model of reciprocal effects grounded on OIT. To attain the aim of this study, middle and high school students (N=714) in Seoul and KyoungGiDo were asked to complete the questionnaire twice during the semester period. Following testing the hypotheses, data revealed positive relationship between LTPA and self-determined motivation in PE. Theoretically-aligned relationship between the change of LTPA and the change of self-determined motivation in PE were observed. That is, students’self-determined motivation in PE at the early semester positively predicted the change of LTPA at the end of semester; at the same time, students’LTPA at the early semester postively predicted the change of students’s self-determined motivation at the end of semester. In conclusion, students who are autonomously motivated in PE is more likely to involve in LTPA, while students who are participate in LTPA tend to highly engage in PE lesson. Such findings can provide insightful information to PE teachers or exercise instructors to effectively motivate their students in their practices.
The purpose of this study is to re-explore the scales of quality of life in old age and provide fundamental data to make senior policy and welfare policy afterwards. To address the goal, scales found in 612 journals and dissertations were analyzed, and based on the results, expert interviews were done. With the finally organized scale, this researcher conducted a survey to 393 aged people over 65 residing in Seoul or Gyeonggi about their quality of life. Collected questionnaire sheets were analyzed by using SPSS ver. 22.0 through descriptive statistical analysis as well as validity and reliability analysis. The results have been gained as follows:
First, scales found in 612 advanced researches include 158 factors. Excluding those that were overlapped or ambiguous in terms of meaning, this study extracted 137 factors. After asking the expert group for examining the factors, this author has finally drawn 55 factors. Next, this researcher formulated questions through the factors drawn and verified content validity to extract 37 factors and 178 questions.
Second, a survey was done with 178 questions extracted, and based on the results of verifying validity and reliability, 7 factors were extracted.
Key Words
노인, 삶의 질, 척도재구성, quality of life, old age, scale reorganization
Analyzing the Relationship between Serious Leisure and Behavioral Intention of Sports Wearable Devices through UTAUT Model 여가스포츠 참여자의 진지한 여가와 웨어러블 디바이스 수용 간의 관계: UTAUT 모델 분석
전성범ChunSungBum , 임진선LimJinSun
56(6) 417-430, 2017
Analyzing the Relationship between Serious Leisure and Behavioral Intention of Sports Wearable Devices through UTAUT Model 여가스포츠 참여자의 진지한 여가와 웨어러블 디바이스 수용 간의 관계: UTAUT 모델 분석
전성범ChunSungBum , 임진선LimJinSun
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between Serious leisure and Behavioral intention of wearable device among sports participants through UTAUT model. Convenience sampling was conducted and 229 questionnaires from various sports participants were analyzed after data cleaning. SPSS ver 21 and AMOS 20.0 software were used to analyze the collected data. As a result, first, the result of extended UTAUT with Serious leisure variable showed positive relation between Serious leisure and Behavior intention. Second, the main 4 factors of UTAUT had positive effect on Behavioral intention and Use behavior. Third, the moderation of gender was analyzed. Although no statistical moderation was detected, there were some differences among gender in significance level. To conclude, firstly, serious leisure is more suitable variable than sport commitment in explaining leisure sport participation. Secondly, UTAUT model is suitable for the leisure sport participation in Korea. Thirdly, the acceptance mechanism for wearable device shows different features by gender.
Analysis of Transition and Archetype of the Pyeongtaek Nongak Jjeok-Jjeok-yi Dance 평택농악 판제 내 무동쩍쩍이춤의 연행춤사위 분석
태혜신TaeHye-syn , 정복철JeongBok-cheol
56(6) 431-445, 2017
Analysis of Transition and Archetype of the Pyeongtaek Nongak Jjeok-Jjeok-yi Dance 평택농악 판제 내 무동쩍쩍이춤의 연행춤사위 분석
태혜신TaeHye-syn , 정복철JeongBok-cheol
Many scholars and experts have conducted various studies on Pyeongtaek Nongak, which the Republic of Korea's invaluable UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and one of the most representative Nongak, and have yet to reach the consensus about its archetype. Based on this, studied the archetype of Jjeok-Jjeok-yi dance's video-recording data thereof as well as the systematic review of literature, through the interview with a Kim Yong-Rae designated as one of Human Cultural Assets & Masters and people related to Pyeongtaek Nongak. As a result of research, A Jjeok-Jjeok-yi dance was designated as intangible cultural property in 1996, after the record preservation work of the National Institute of Cultural Properties, Pyeongtaek Nongak was arranged, and the name of Panje was renamed from ‘Jjeok-Jjeok-yi’ to ‘Jjeok-Jjeok-yi dance(Yeonpungdae)’, and the separated form panje, ‘Jjeok-Jjeok-yi’ and ‘Yeonpungdae’. In the past, ‘Kkekki dance’, a dance movement distinct from ‘Jjuck-jjuck-yi dance’ in Pange, has now been integrated and renamed as ‘Jjeok-Jjeok-yi dance’, and the -Jjeok-Jjeok-yi dance range that belonged to ‘Yeongsan deodeuraegi rhythm(Jjeok-Jjeok-yi panje)’ only was expanded to ‘Yeonpungdae rhythm(Yeonpungdae panje)’. Intangible cultural properties have characteristics that necessarily change in the course of the tradition due to the living culture. Therefore studing the transition process and analyszing the background, cause and feasibility can be another meaningful histirical record for the preservation of traditional cultural relics. It is necessary to have an active interest and study on the process of changing the monumental cultural property.
Key Words
평택농악, 쩍쩍이춤, 쩍적이판제, 김용래, 국립문화재연구소, Pyeongtaek Nongak, Jjeok-Jjeok-yi dance, Jjeok-Jjeok-yi pane, Kim Yong-Rae, the National Institute of Cultural Properties
Effects of Korean Dance Therapy Program on the Life Stress and Sleep Quality of Elderly Dementia Patients 한국무용 치료프로그램이 노인 치매환자의 생활스트레스와 수면의 질에 미치는 영향
56(6) 447-457, 2017
Effects of Korean Dance Therapy Program on the Life Stress and Sleep Quality of Elderly Dementia Patients 한국무용 치료프로그램이 노인 치매환자의 생활스트레스와 수면의 질에 미치는 영향
This study aimed to examine the effects of Korean dance therapy on the life stress and sleep quality of elderly dementia patients by implementing the program. The subjects of the study were 25 female dementia patients who admitted to the hospital in Gyeonggi-do. The subjects were selected by the purposeful sampling. 18 patients (9 patients at each experiment and control group) were allowed to participate in this study after excluding the patients who were discharged from the hospital or who changed their mind. With the experiment group that went through a 8-week Korean dance therapy program and the control group that did not go through the program, in-depth interviews were conducted both before and after the experiment to measure their FILE(Family Inventor of Life Events and change) and PSQI(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) to comparatively analyze the results. The results showed that first, the experiment group showed a significant reduction in the FILE scale before and after the experiment, while the control group did not show any significant different before and after the experiment. Second, the experiment group showed a significant difference in the PSQI scale difference before and after the experiment, while the control group did not show any significant different before and after the experiment.
Key Words
한국무용, 생활스트레스, 수면의 질, 노인 치매환자, Korean dance, life stress, sleep quality, elderly dementia patients
A Comparative of Q-Angle, Knee Angle and Low Extremity Isokinetic Strength on Career in Female Ballet Dancers 여성 발레전공자들의 경력에 따른 Q-Angle, Knee Angle 및 등속성 하지 근력 비교
56(6) 459-468, 2017
A Comparative of Q-Angle, Knee Angle and Low Extremity Isokinetic Strength on Career in Female Ballet Dancers 여성 발레전공자들의 경력에 따른 Q-Angle, Knee Angle 및 등속성 하지 근력 비교
The purpose of this study was to compared Q-angle, knee angle, and isokinetic strength of lower limbs according to the experience of ballet majors. The subjects were 10 non major(CON), 30 ballet majors and classified into 3 groups of 10 each according to their career. One group(BAL1) was classified as 1-4 years for ballet career, 5 to 9 years for 2 groups(BAL2), and 9 years or more for 3 groups(BAL3). All subjects' QA and KA were measured using a digital camera and a protractor program, and isokinetic dynamometers were used to measure isokinetic strengths. One-way ANOVA was used for data analysis and Tukey was used for post-test. As a result, QA was not different between ballet groups in both left and right but BAL3 group was significantly higher than CON group(p<.05). There was no significant difference between the groups in the left and right side of KA, but in the left side, the BAL3 group showed higher tendency than the CON group(p=.067). There was no difference between isokinetic strength groups. Thus, QA was significantly higher in subjects with at least 9 years of experience than subjects without experience, and KA was also similar. In addition, we expect to be suitable data for subsequent studies on these subjects.
Key Words
발레 무용수, 등속성 하지 근력, Ballet Dancer, Q-Angle, Knee Angle, Isokinetic Strength
Development of Perfectionism Scale for University Student Major in Dance 무용전공 대학생의 완벽주의성향 척도 개발
56(6) 469-484, 2017
Development of Perfectionism Scale for University Student Major in Dance 무용전공 대학생의 완벽주의성향 척도 개발
This study was conducted to develop a scale to accurately measure the perfectionism of a dancer. Regarding study subjects, dance major college students were selected as the population who are enrolled in college dance department located in Seoul and Gyeonggi area and the samples of total 620 students were collected using multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method. Regarding survey tools, open questions were offered to collect preliminary questions and the main questionnaire with 55 questions was prepared after analyzing the quality, validity and reliability of preliminary questions. Subsequently, 27 questions were prepared through validity reliability test. Regarding data processing, open questionnaires were extracted from case-by-case categories to collect preliminary questions. In order to test the quality, validity and reliability of preliminary questions, the question discrimination was analyzed using x2 test and Cramer's V. Subsequently, exploratory factor analysis was conducted and coefficients of Cronbach's αand split-half reliability were calculated. In other words, dancer’s Perfectionism scale was developed with 27 questions in 7 sub-factors which include 6 questions about mistakes, 4 questions about parental pressure, 5 questions about personal standards, 4 questions about suspicion about behaviors, 3 questions about physical management, 3 questions about leader’s pressure and 2 questions about condition management.
Key Words
무용전공대학생, 완벽주의성향, 척도개발, university, perfectionism, development of scale
The Legal Responsibility on The Special Violence of Under-aged Athlete Who Was Picked by A Professional Baseball Team 프로야구단에 지명된 미성년 야구선수의 특수 폭력 행위에 대한 법률적 책임
정태린TaerinChung , 손석정SeokJeongShon
56(6) 485-495, 2017
The Legal Responsibility on The Special Violence of Under-aged Athlete Who Was Picked by A Professional Baseball Team 프로야구단에 지명된 미성년 야구선수의 특수 폭력 행위에 대한 법률적 책임
정태린TaerinChung , 손석정SeokJeongShon
Violences of under-aged elite athlete are different to compare with the violences of nonathletic and under-aged criminals on both sides of criminal and civil law. However, a fundamental problem is no-existence of specialized policies or even theoretical backgrounds for sports in Korea. Therefore, we the researchers hae focused on a fact that the violences in sports is being inherited through generations. With these reasons, this research aimed to approach the violences of underaged elite athletes with the view of positive law of Korea and interpret the results. The results of this results are as following: First, the violences of under-aged elite athlete is a subject to the juvenile law of Korea but criminal law for his age of the time of crime. Second, any claim-obligation relationships does not exist between the under-aged athlete and the professional baseball team, picked him/her for 1st round of rookie draft. Third, the violences of under-aged athletes with baseball bat and baseball is defined with special violence or special injury based on criminal law of Korea. Last, the professional baseball team does not have the claim rights for damages against the under-aged baseball athlete.
Key Words
법률관계, 특수폭력, 미성년 운동선수, 1라운드 지명, 프로야구단, 스포츠법, The Legal Responsibility, The Special Violence, Under-aged Athlete, 1st round pick, Professional Baseball Team, sports law
Effect of Parental Exercise before Pregnancy on Neuronal Plasticity and Mitochondrial Function in the Hippocampus of Offspring 임신 전 부모의 운동이 새끼 쥐 해마의 신경가소성과 미토콘드리아 기능에 미치는 영향
Effect of Parental Exercise before Pregnancy on Neuronal Plasticity and Mitochondrial Function in the Hippocampus of Offspring 임신 전 부모의 운동이 새끼 쥐 해마의 신경가소성과 미토콘드리아 기능에 미치는 영향
In the present study, we investigated the effects of parental exercise before pregnancy on cognitive ability, mitochondrial function, and neurotrophic factor in hippocampus of offspring . The adult male and female rats were randomly divided into two groups respectively: control group and exercise group. The animals in the exercise groups were forced to run on a motorized treadmill for 8 weeks. The 8-week exercise training protocol consisted of running on a motorized treadmill six times per week with an incremental increase in treadmill velocity(10 ~ 15 m/min) and run duration(30 ~ 40 min) to accommodate increased fitness. After exercise treatment, the pairs of male and female rat were divided into four groups and were mated for 2 days: i) Control group, ii) Maternal exercise group, iii) Paternal exercise group and iv) Parental exercise group. Ten offsprings from each group were selected. On the 28th day after birth, Morris water maze task was performed to evaluated cognition. In the present study, maternal and/or paternal exercise increased cognitive ability, mitochondrial function(O2 consumption), biogenesis and neurotrophic factor in the hippocampus of offspring(p<0.05). In addition, cognitive ability and mitochondrial function in the offspring from parental exercise group were higher than maternal or paternal exercise group(p<0.05). Based on these results, parental exercise before pregnancy may be effective at brain function and development in offsprings.
Key Words
부모 운동, 임신, 인지기능, 해마, 미토콘드리아 기능, 신경영양인자, Parental exercise, Pregnancy, Cognition, Hippocampus, Mitochondrial function, Neurotrophic factor
Effects of Resistance Exercise Training and Fermented Soybean Treatment on Activity of mTOR and FoxO in Skeletal Muscle of Middle Aged Obese Rats 저항성 운동트레이닝과 발효 콩 섭취가 중년 비만 흰쥐의 근육 내 mTOR 및 FoxO 활성에 미치는 영향
정수련JungSuRyun , 김기진KimKiJin
56(6) 509-518, 2017
Effects of Resistance Exercise Training and Fermented Soybean Treatment on Activity of mTOR and FoxO in Skeletal Muscle of Middle Aged Obese Rats 저항성 운동트레이닝과 발효 콩 섭취가 중년 비만 흰쥐의 근육 내 mTOR 및 FoxO 활성에 미치는 영향
정수련JungSuRyun , 김기진KimKiJin
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12-week resistance exercise training and fermented soybean treatments on body composition and muscle hypertrophy/atrophy factors in middle-aged obese rats. Male Wistar rats aged 50 weeks were fed a high fat diet for 8 weeks to induce obesity, followed by ladder climbing exercise and soy protein treatment for 12 weeks. The results showed that there was no significant difference in daily caloric intake and body weight between groups. However, the fat mass of the fermented soybean group was significantly increased (p<.05) and the fat-free mass was decreased (p<.05). Muscle (triceps, quadriceps) weight and hanging times were significantly increased only in the resistant exercise group (p<.05). The activity of mTOR, a hypertrophic factor in triceps muscles, was significantly increased only in the resistant exercise group and FoxO activity in the fermented soybean group was significantly increased (p<.05). Combined treatment with resistance exercise and fermented soybeans did not affect body composition, muscle strength, and activity of intramuscular hypertrophy/atrophy signals. These results suggest that long-term fermented soybean intake has a negative effect on muscular function and body composition in middle-aged obese rats. There are various causes for the occurrence of this phenomenon, but it seems to be one of the causes of the increase of intramuscular atrophy factors. However, additional factors such as the upstream PI3K/Akt signal should be analyzed to obtain definite conclusions.
TMG(Tensiomyography): Non-invasive Method of Evaluation of Muscle Function TMG(Tensiomyography); 근기능 평가의 비침습적인 방법
채정훈ChaiJungHoon , 김찬KimChan , 김철현KimChul-hyun
56(6) 516-523, 2017
TMG(Tensiomyography): Non-invasive Method of Evaluation of Muscle Function TMG(Tensiomyography); 근기능 평가의 비침습적인 방법
채정훈ChaiJungHoon , 김찬KimChan , 김철현KimChul-hyun
Tensiomyography(TMG) is a non-invasive motivation-independent, and involuntary measure of a single muscle’s contractile properties, that has become popular in research and practice in Europe. TMG has been introduced since 2015 in Korea as new diagnostic measure on muscle injury.
TMG assesses muscle mechanical response based on radial muscle belly displacement induced by the single electrical stimulus with five parameters such as Dm(displace maximum), Td(delay time), Tc(contraction time), Tr(relaxation time), Ts(sustain time). Among them, Dm and Tc are most informative that reflect muscle stiffness inversely and proportion of Type I fiber respectively.
TMG could be applied in sports medicine to determine injured muscle’s functional capacity, complete repair, and return-to-play by measuring individual muscle heads in isolation, providing unique and selective information. During rehabilitation athletes can be assessed with TMG for progress and rehabilitation can be adjusted for faster rehabilitation. TMG is also strongly possible to be applied to athlete’s high performance and ,to be extended, to the sarcopenia in aging society.
The purpose of this study is to understand exercise perception during hematopoietic transplantation for hematological cancer patients. In-depth interview along with observation and field-note were used to collect data from nine hematological cancer patients undergoing recovery of hematopoietic transplantation. Phenomenological research method were used to gain a deep understanding of their experience. Eleven themes and five categorizes emerged from the data: ‘Pain of fighting with cancer’, ‘Desolate space’, ‘Exercise; another hope’, ‘Lack of exercise information’, and ‘Difficulty in practice.’ The results highlight the significant impact that cancer treatment has on hematological cancer patients. Hematological cancer patients undergoing high-dose treatment in desolate aseptic room, shared their perception of exercise barrier during treatment period. Although the patients perceived exercise to be beneficial and they wanted exercise to be part of the treatment programs, they were obscured and emphasized the difficulty of exercise in practice.
The purpose of this study was to understand breast cancer survivors’ line dance program participation experience and their perceived effects. Nine participants were selected by the purposive sampling. In the current study, phenomenological research methods were used and qualitative data were collected through in-depth interviews and observation. The analyses indicated that participants’s positive experiences were categorized into physical (physiological change, improved digestive system, sleep quality and cognitive function), psychological (pleasure, vigor, peace, self confidence, and satisfaction) and social (improved mood among family members, peer support and pleasure) benefit. Furthermore, participants enjoyed unique characteristics of line dance such as continuous music and nature of group exercise where they enjoy information sharing and peer support In summary, a line dance program was safe and beneficial for breast cancer survivors and should be recommended as one of exercise options for breast cancer survivors.
Key Words
유방암, 라인댄스, 참여효과, Breast cancer, Line dance, Effects of participation
Effects of 12 Weeks of Yoga Training Program on Physical Fitness and Cardiorespiratory Function in Middle-aged Women 12주간의 요가 수련 프로그램이 중년 여성의 체력과 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
Effects of 12 Weeks of Yoga Training Program on Physical Fitness and Cardiorespiratory Function in Middle-aged Women 12주간의 요가 수련 프로그램이 중년 여성의 체력과 호흡순환기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of a 12-week yoga program on physical fitness and cardiorespiratory function. Subjects in yoga group (YOGA: n=13) undertook the yoga for 60 min/session, three sessions/wk, whereas subjects in control group (CON: n=13) maintained their normal life style. Dependent variables were measured and compared between two tests and between two groups. Main results were as follows: 1) There was significant interaction between group and test in fat mass. 2) Push up, sit-and-reach, and one leg standing with eyes-closed increased significantly in YOGA, whereas other variables regarding physical fitness tended to increase. 3) All variables regarding cardiovascular function showed a tendency of improvement in YOGA, but a tendency of deterioration in CON. There was significant interaction between group and test in FEV1.0. It was concluded that the 12-week yoga program would contribute on enhancing physical fitness; however, improvement effects on body composition and cardiorespiratory function by yoga were limited.
Key Words
요가, 체력, 신체구성, 호흡순환기능, 중년 여성, yoga, physical fitness, body composition, cardiorespiratory function, middle-aged women
The Effects of 12 Weeks of Step Training Using Rhythmic Balance Device on Response Time for the Elderly 스텝핑형 노인용 리듬 균형운동기구를 활용한 12주간 훈련이 노인의 운동반응시간에 미치는 영향
The Effects of 12 Weeks of Step Training Using Rhythmic Balance Device on Response Time for the Elderly 스텝핑형 노인용 리듬 균형운동기구를 활용한 12주간 훈련이 노인의 운동반응시간에 미치는 영향
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of step training on reaction, movement and response time for the elderly. 26 senior subjects (training group: 17 and control group: 9) were participated in this study. Training group took part in 12-week training program. While standing on the force plate, the subject was asked to step off the force plate with one foot and then come back after auditory stimulus and then step back on the force plate. Reaction and movement time were measured by time between auditory stimulus and initiation of movement, and between initiation of movement and completion of movement, respectively. In the result, there was significant interaction effect on reaction time. Thus, this result indicates that the 12-week training improves faster reaction time in the elderly.
Key Words
노인, 리듬 균형 운동기구, 반응시간, 실행시간, 운동반응시간, elderly, rhythmic balance device, training, reaction time, movement time, response time
The Exploratory Study for the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Curling 컬링 인공지능 적용을 위한 탐색적 연구
박성건SunggeonPark , 이수원SoowonLee , 윤형기Hyoung-kiYoon
56(6) 583-594, 2017
The Exploratory Study for the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Curling 컬링 인공지능 적용을 위한 탐색적 연구
박성건SunggeonPark , 이수원SoowonLee , 윤형기Hyoung-kiYoon
The purpose of this study is to introduce a case study of curling Artificial Intelligence(AI) and to investigate the various methods to apply AI system in curling. As a result, It found that the scientific research of curling has been carried out the development of performance analysis tools based on the web and mobile devices, the performance analysis and prediction research, the video-based stone tracking system for the situation recognition, the development of simulation using the physics engine and the curling robot with training assist function and so on. AI system in curling which can recognize the game situation and perform the optimal shot is not yet realized. In conclusion, the development of the curling AI system must take precedence the definition of digitalized curling terminology for knowledge base construction, the data collection to apply the deep learning, and the database construction. The collaboration and convergence research of sports scientists, engineers, and sports convergence experts are all required to implement the curling AI systems.
Key Words
인공지능, 딥러닝, 스포츠, 컬링, 탐색적 연구, Artificial intelligence, Deep learning, Sports, Curling, Exploratory study
The Research Trend Analysis of the Korean Journal of Physical Education using Mecab-ko Morphology Analyzer Mecab-ko 형태소 분석을 이용한 한국체육학회지 연구동향 분석
박성건Sung-geonPark , 김완섭WanseopKim , 이대택Dae-taekLee
56(6) 595-605, 2017
The Research Trend Analysis of the Korean Journal of Physical Education using Mecab-ko Morphology Analyzer Mecab-ko 형태소 분석을 이용한 한국체육학회지 연구동향 분석
박성건Sung-geonPark , 김완섭WanseopKim , 이대택Dae-taekLee
The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of research fields are preferred by the researcher of the Korean Physical Education Society using the Mecab-ko morpheme analysis and whether there are differences in the interests of researchers between the humanities and social sciences and natural sciences. A total of the data collected for this study are 5,014 papers published online from March 2002 to March 2017 in the Korean Journal of Physical Education was collected. In this study, we used Mecab-ko morpheme analyzer to extract the keyword from the collected documents. As a result, the study found that the number of papers published in KAHPERD appeared to be decreasing. It was also that the main concern of researchers in KAHPERD toward was leisure, live sports and health were relatively higher than the improvement of performance. The research subjects that were interested in the research were women, middle-aged and elderly. The study found that researchers in the humanities and social sciences have shown interest in both traditional research and social interests, while researchers in the natural sciences have shown an interest in a deeper study of traditional research. In conclusion, in order to realize the revitalization of sports convergence research, it is necessary to establish standards for the field of study which should focus on the depth and breadth of research.
The Mediating Effect of Attribution Style on Relationship between Student’s Sense of Community and School Adjustment in Middle School on Inclusive Physical Education 통합체육수업에 참여하는 비장애학생의 공동체의식과 학교생활적응 관계에서 귀인성향의 매개효과
박진우ParkJin-woo , 황순영HwangSoon-young
56(6) 607-618, 2017
The Mediating Effect of Attribution Style on Relationship between Student’s Sense of Community and School Adjustment in Middle School on Inclusive Physical Education 통합체육수업에 참여하는 비장애학생의 공동체의식과 학교생활적응 관계에서 귀인성향의 매개효과
박진우ParkJin-woo , 황순영HwangSoon-young
The purpose of the study was to examine the mediating effect of attribution style on relationship between students’ community sense and school adjustment in middle school on inclusive physical education. For this, the study conducted survey targeting 380 students without disabilities from B city who were participating in middle school on inclusive physical education among them were surveyed through convenience sampling were used for final data processing. To analyze the data to verify the hypotheses, SPSS 21.0 program population sociological characteristics were used for frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the validity of the collected data, and correlation analysis, and Cronbachs'αvalue was used for reliability test. And AMOS 20.0 program were utilized to conduct mediating analysis and the statistically significant level (p) is fixed as .05. The results are the following. First, there was a statistically significant correlation between non-disabled student's sense of community, school adjustment and internal attribution. Second, internal attribution partially mediated the relationship between the sense of community of non-disabled students and school adjustment. However external attribution did not mediate the relationship between sense of community of non-disabled students and school adjustment.
Key Words
통합체육수업, 공동체의식, 학교생활적응, 귀인성향, inclusive physical education, sense of community, school adjustment, attribution style
Goodness of Fit and Difficulty in Object-control Skills Test for Students with Developmental Disabilities Participating in Tee-ball Program 티볼 프로그램 참여 발달장애학생의 물체조작기술검사 적합도와 난이도
김대연KimDae-yeon , 한범석HanByum-suk , 전혜자ChunHea-ja
56(6) 619-629, 2017
Goodness of Fit and Difficulty in Object-control Skills Test for Students with Developmental Disabilities Participating in Tee-ball Program 티볼 프로그램 참여 발달장애학생의 물체조작기술검사 적합도와 난이도
김대연KimDae-yeon , 한범석HanByum-suk , 전혜자ChunHea-ja
The purpose of this study was to verify the goodness of fit and difficulty of constructing the gross motor skills of the TGMD-2 for students with developmental disability participating in the Tee-ball Program. Gross motor skills were performed in six areas(striking a stationary ball, stationary dribble, catch, kick, overhand throw, and underhand roll) and 24 sub-sized areas. The study applied the purposive sampling as 119 (96 male and 23 female) students enrolled in the special classes or special schools in Seoul and Kyonggi Province. Using the Excel, SPSS 21.0, and jMetrik 4.05 program, the means, standard deviations were calculated and applying partial credit model(PCM), the goodness of fit and difficulty were analyzed. The results were as follows. First, in the goodness of fit and difficulty by area, each area indicated that the conformity of the residuals was good for the remaining 23 items except for the item number 1 item. Difficulty was overall clearly identified with poor levels of difficulty and high levels of difficulty. Second, in the goodness of fit and difficulty by sex, for males, the remaining 23 items were found to be good for the performance, whereas female students did not comply with the various criteria. In the case of difficulty, both male and female students were found to be clearly divided into poor levels of difficulty and high levels of difficulty. Validation studies should be continued to ensure proper use and development for the intended use of the disability.
Key Words
Students with developmental disability, object-control skill test, goodness of fit, difficulty, tee-ball
Analysis of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Cut-off Values for Reducing Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Type II Diabetes Patients 2형 당뇨병 환자에서 대사증후군 유병율 감소를 위한 심폐체력의 임계값 분석
김용환Yong-hwanKim , 정제순Jae-soonChung
56(6) 631-639, 2017
Analysis of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Cut-off Values for Reducing Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in Type II Diabetes Patients 2형 당뇨병 환자에서 대사증후군 유병율 감소를 위한 심폐체력의 임계값 분석
김용환Yong-hwanKim , 정제순Jae-soonChung
This study suggests guidelines for the prevention of metabolic syndrome by calculating the risk factors and cardiovascular fitness cut-off value for type 2 diabetes patients. We analyzed the data of 145 diabetic patients who visited for health screening center. There was a significant threshold for TG, SBP, blood glucose and waist circumference for the metabolic syndrome(p<0.05). The cardiorespiratory fitness cut-off was significant in metabolic syndrome 30.3(p=0.039), HDLC 27.1(p=0.047), waist circumference 30.8(p=0.040), blood pressure 29.9(p=0.046) respectively. Cardiorespiratory fitness below the cut-off value resulted in a 8.8 fold increase in the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome. Maintaining a high fitness level based on 30.3 ml/kg/min is effective in reducing the prevalence and risk factors of metabolic syndrome.